Monday, April 27, 2009

That stench.

Can you see me down here from that high horse you're on? It amazes me how someone so logical can get caught up in such a world of ignorance. Anarchy? Defiance? How's reception on that cellphone.
If you want to be a pillar of the examplatory human, get it together. Stop preaching about how much you don't care what other people think, if that were the case you would drop the tough exterior. Nothing irritates me more than someone who presents themselves one way to the world and acts completely different behind closed doors. Be consistent. Be yourself.
I'm assessing the view from down here. Don't look at it as judgement, who am I to judge. I have more defects than an '86 Ford Tempo and no qualms about admitting them. Shit, I blog about them.
Just please stop acting like you hold the book of answers. If you're selling it, I'll surely pass.

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